Life cover – do you need it?

Life cover – do you need it?

Should you be looking into life cover? It will certainly give you and your loved ones peace of mind. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 may have made you think about your health and the future and whether you should consider taking out life cover if you don’t already...

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Critical illness – what you need to know

Critical illness – what you need to know

Wondering if you need critical illness and what it covers? Read this handy guide. Critical illness cover is an insurance policy that pays out a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with a serious illness covered by your policy.  Conditions covered by critical...

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Mortgage advice during lockdown

Mortgage advice during lockdown

Find out what you can do to ease the stress of the current situation. With the spread of COVID-19, we’re now facing challenging times, at least for the short-term future. But even if you think things look bleak for you at the moment, knowledge is power and there are...

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Should you fix your mortgage for longer?

Should you fix your mortgage for longer?

It’s now less than ten weeks until the UK leaves the EU.  With all the current indications pointing towards a ‘no deal’ departure and many key questions around the economic impact of such a scenario still unanswered, many consumers are considering how to ‘Brexit proof’ their personal finances. But how long could, or indeed should, you fix your mortgage for? 

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Relax on holiday and we’ll take care of your mortgage

Relax on holiday and we’ll take care of your mortgage

In the middle of buying your dream home but have a summer break booked?  Need to arrange a remortgage but jetting off to exotic climes, or enjoying a ‘staycation’ in good ol’ Blighty?  Just because you’re not at home – or even in the country – doesn’t mean that we can’t take care of finding you a great mortgage while you’re away…

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Travelling this summer?  Are your personal possessions covered?

Travelling this summer? Are your personal possessions covered?

Are you jetting off abroad for your holiday soon?  Or perhaps having a staycation this year and instead enjoying a few days out and about with family or friends?  Before you pack your suitcases – or your picnic hamper – it may be just worth checking to make sure that your personal possessions are covered on your insurance policy…

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Are you concerned about job security at the moment?

Are you concerned about job security at the moment?

For many people, the ongoing turmoil around Brexit is causing concern about how secure their jobs are, particularly those in the City where the economy is more sensitive to geo-politics.  Whilst many employers are legally bound to provide some sort of redundancy package in the worst-case scenario, realistically how long would that last if you had to use it to cover all your outgoings until such times as you found another job? 

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Should you be fixing your mortgage?

Should you be fixing your mortgage?

As one Prime Minister departs from Downing Street and another waits in the wings, the ongoing political turbulence may be making you think that staying put is more appealing than moving home at the moment…

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Don’t give up your nest egg…

Don’t give up your nest egg…

With mortgage product rates at or close to record low levels, and current market conditions favourable for buyers, it’s an ideal time for those who want to purchase their first property or trade up to a larger home.  Enter a new breed of mortgages designed to help you help a loved one to buy a home, without having to give away your savings…

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Do you have a rainy day plan?

Do you have a rainy day plan?

We know that it’s not a fun topic of conversation, but have you ever paused to consider for a moment how you’d pay your mortgage and household bills if you lost your job, or became seriously ill?

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