Travelling this summer? Are your personal possessions covered?

Jul 26, 2019 | Advice

Are you jetting off abroad for your holiday soon?  Or perhaps having a staycation this year and instead enjoying a few days out and about with family or friends?  Well, before you pack your suitcases – or your picnic hamper – it may be just worth checking to make sure that your personal possessions are covered on your insurance policy. 

You see, most people have buildings and contents cover, but what many don’t realise is that unless you specifically stipulate that you would like your personal belongings covered outside of the home, should you have your camera or mobile phone stolen whilst you’re away for example, or if your luggage gets lost in transit, then you wouldn’t be able to claim on your policy. 

As well as ensuring that your policy covers you for personal items away from the home, it’s also worth checking to make sure if any particularly expensive items, such as watches or jewellery, are adequately insured.  The majority of insurers allow up to £2,500 or £3,000 as a ‘single item limit’.  But that means if you have one item of jewellery or a watch worth over that amount, and it gets lost, stolen or damaged when you’re wearing it out and about, then you would only be able to claim the limit for a single item as detailed in your policy.  That could cost you a lot of money, which can be so easily be avoided by having the correct cover in place. 

Choosing the right cover

As well as making sure you’ve got the right policy, there are some simple things you can do while you’re away to prevent some of the more common problems which lead to having to make a claim.  Our top tips to help keep your personal possessions safe whilst you’re on your travels this summer include:

Keep valuables like jewellery, iPods and mobile phones hidden.  If there’s a lockable safe in your hotel room, it’s best to use it and ensure you keep the code to yourself. 

Never leave your bag or other personal items unattended in a public place, such as a swimming pool or bar area, even in an expensive hotel.  Either take your items with you or ask a friend or family member to look after them for you. 

Avoid putting all your valuable items in one bag or suitcase.  If at all possible, keep your purse or wallet, passport, keys and mobile in separate bags or pockets. 

Expert advice

Our team are experts at arranging buildings and contents insurance and are able to review your existing arrangements to ensure that you have the right level of cover in place. They can also provide you with a competitive renewal quote if you’re thinking about moving from your existing insurer. 

So, before you head off to enjoy the sunshine, why not speak to one of the team to just check to make sure you’re covered.  That way hopefully you have a trip you’ll always remember, instead of one you’d rather forget.